Sensible Herringbone Shirt
Product Details
A Reprieve from Madness.
People, again, believe the world is flat.
A man crossed the English Channel on a hoverboard.
There’s a non-functional device shaped like a smartphone that you carry around to help wean you off your actual phone.
This shirt isn’t tying to assault your common sense or trick you. It’s not actually trying to be anything other than what it is. But it’s not boring. A meticulously stitched herringbone weave is anything but boring. After all, this is the design the Romans used to build roads because it was stable, durable, and trustworthy. The fact that it looked so striking was, I’m sure, not by coincidence.
This shirt is the handshake in lieu of a contract.
It’s the directions that don’t reroute you every ten seconds.
It’s being comfortable in your skin.
It might just be the cure for madness.
Sensible Herringbone Shirt (No. 6281). 100% wool meticulously crafted in Portugal. Nothing more than you need (or want) with the point collar and removable stays, seven-button front, and adjustable sleeve cuffs. Surprisingly casual and dressy. Made in Portugal.