Sleeveless Blouse



Color: White
Product Details

“Just whistle. You know to whistle, don’t you? You put your lips together and…blow.”

-To Have and Have Not (1944)

Nobody had ever said the kind of things that she said up there on the screen. Certainly not the way she said them.

Low, thrilling voice. Direct eyes. And at the same time, startling freshness.

She enslaved us just by walking through a room, wearing this blouse.

A clean, candid thing. Lengthens a person’s arms and neck, addresses the matter of those curves underneath frankly, without heavy breathing.

Our all-time best seller. Time to bring it back. 1940’s Sleeveless Blouse (No. 1471). Pure yarn dyed linen, sleeveless, with four pearl-shell buttons, fitting darts at bust, down front, and back. Good with every below the waist thing you own. Good summer, spring, fall. Good walking through a room.